Friday, April 30, 2010

Peace, be still

The argument ceases, it is beyond human understanding and opinions.
Peace that brings down the walls built by human personality, it can be experienced in eternity, NOW.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Feeling is the secret

It works

Lucero Espiritual

“lucero espiritual eres mas alto que el hombre yo no se donde se esconde en este mundo historial” Juancho Polo Valencia

En este mundo creado por nuestras historias buscamos el Lucero Espiritual, la estrella del universo, escondido en el mundo historial ahi es donde esta. Calla, Aquietate, aqui en el mundo donde estas , estoy Yo, Yo Soy el Lucero Espiritual, iluminando el universo,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The law and its operation

Taken from Resurrection by Neville Goddard

Consciousness is the one and only reality. The cause of all manifestation.

Conciousness is "divided" in two parts:
The conscious mind, that generates ideas and the subconscious that receives the ideas that man knows to be true and makes them into form. The conscious mind is what man knows, the subconscious mind is what man is.

Through man's power to think and feel and his freedom to choose the idea he will entertain he has power over all creation.

Imagination is the ability to think and feel, a controlled imagination is necessary to control the ideas we want accepted by the subconscious.

The subconscious transcend reason, it contemplates a feeling as a fact existing within itself and on this assumption proceeds to give expression to it.

Through the medium of feeling ideas are impressed on the subconscious, which is the womb of creation.

Based on the above, which I have tested with success, I consider the following to be wise advise from Abraham-Hicks " folks you have to care about the way you feel". Creative visualization, is very effective if the tones reality are intense enough, which is the key to plant the chosen idea on the subconscious. How to do this? I only know one way : practice, practice , practice.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Consciousness is the one and only reality

“The way to use your imagination creatively is this. Relax in a chair or on a bed and close your eyes. First
determine what it is you wish to experience. Then, in this state of complete relaxation, bring to mind the end
result of what it is you desire. In other words, if you were seeking a promotion at work, the end result might
be that people would congratulate you on your promotion. You might move to a larger office. You would
enjoy an increase in pay. Take any one of these events and, with your eyes closed, actually hear your friends
congratulate you on your promotion. Feel their hand in yours as they tell you how happy they are for you. By
actually feeling that you are being congratulated, your imagination will go to work to bring about that state in
your outer world. You need not be concerned about how this will be accomplished. Your imagination will use
whatever natural means are necessary to bring it about. “I am the beginning and the end.” “My ways are past
finding out.” What you do in imagination is an instantaneous creative act. However, in this three- dimensional
world, events appear in a time sequence. Therefore, it may take a short interval of time to realize in the outer
world what you have just experienced in imagination. After you have performed this act in your imagination,
open your eyes and go about your normal, natural affairs, confident that what you have done must come to
fruition in your world. Make your inner conversations conform to your imaginal act. You have planted a seed
and you will soon see the harvest of that which you have sowed. “ Neville Goddard

It is hot and humid, four weeks, it has been a long time... I’m home. Cartagena has always been home, holder of the secrets, playground for shoeless escapades, a memory eraser, a back bone builder. And still hot as hell... home sweet home.

Fotografia de Catalina Franco Restrepo

FREE ONENESS :The Link- The Space Between

From Ask by Walter Lanyon:


“The space between the cruse of oil and the manifestation of abundance stems from the belief there are vacuities in God. The space between is like the apparent space between electricity and equipment ... nothing can take place until a tiny fuse is inserted and the "space between" is filled. The omnipresence of God needs only this fuse (you) of complete recognition or belief to cause the oil to start flowing and from three drops come barrels of oil. It will not stop flowing as long as there is an empty measure.
All this lovely symbology is nil until man discovers that he is the fuse: - the thing which fills the space between something and nothing, and causes manifestation to take place. No wonder Jesus stressed the importance of being silent. No wonder He asked you to be absent from the body, and to come out into the ONENESS of spirit wherein you would find FREE ONENESS. Free Oneness is an Oriental expression of oneness with God. Man is then freed from all beliefs of degrees of life. It is wonderful.
So you enter into the Space Between. You are now at the place where the invisible becomes visible. No one believes this. That is why you are told to place the coal of fire on your Lips, and to go within and shut the door. This law is much disobeyed by earnest seekers of the Light who cannot understand why there are no results, and why the oil does not pour. Yes, you are to borrow vessels not a few. And it means just that. You have been living in a world of limitation.
When you enter or become the "Space between" the flow fills everything around you, - and neutralizes the belief so completely that the problem of lack and limitation does not exist in your universe.
Enter into the Place between and let the flow of light come through you and fill all measures not for the sake of self aggrandizement, but for the free oneness of you and God.
Yes, you are the space between ... Enter in and let the flow of LIFE begin to take place. You, yourself, are the answer to prayer. Free ONENESS:
Take it into the sanctuary. Take that word and return unto Jehovah, - the point of power and creation, and see what takes place in the movement of ONENESS when it is freed from the involvement of your human belief, teaching, and thought. You are suddenly a new creature in this light and understand how it is that FREE ONENESS moves by its own power, and has nothing to overcome. It suddenly arrives and IS, and so do you go within and shut the door and stop telling of and about, and begin to experience the action of FREE ONENESS in your own life. Yes, it is like the man who found the pearl of Great Price and bought a field and buried it, after he had let go of all the old worn out cliches and ideas he had picked up from the man whose breath was, and is, in his nostrils. And that buried pearl will illumine the whole earth. Go in - shut the door - put the coal of fire on the lips. IT IS WONDERFUL.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A mental equation

Ask by Walter Lanyon
"All problems are only mental equations. They have no actuality. They all start with the acceptance of a false equation. Even the problem in arithmetic have to be made up in order that you may return to the place from which you started - the NO PROBLEM-place, The One, Everything in human thought must eventually return to the ONE- Life in the raw- the undesignated substance which is everywhere present and appears when recognizion takes place"

One way to recognize the existance of something is by touch, to touch is to bring closer, to experience, an ideal becomes reality by repetition, by constantly bringing up in us the feeling that would be ours if our ideal were now a fact.

" He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love " Ephesians 1:4

Friday, April 16, 2010

Attitude is the secret

Feeling is an attitude, a consciousness of something, this something may be independent of perception of the physical senses, it is a sentiment that determines our actions, and most importantly the substance that permeates our inner conversations, the monologue that is constantly taking place between self and self. Attitude, Feeling, Neville Goddard says is The Secret. It governs our life.

"through his power to imagine and feel and his freedom to choose the idea he will entertain, man has control over creation. Control of the subconcious is accomplished through control of your ideas and feelings"

Neville describes the subconcious as the female aspect of man's mind, he calls it the "womb of creation", it receives ideas and it gives form and expression to them. Like the soil in a garden may only produce the expression of the seed that has been planted by the gardener, our subconscious mind can only give form to thoughts that our conscious mind accepts as true. The soil nurtures and becomes one with the seed, it covers and protects it, in a process not created by human thinking it gives life to that seed until it blossoms into the full expression of All the tiny little seed was meant to be. So it is with our thoughts. Plant a seed (ideal) in the garden of the mind, nurture it , give it what it needs, water it with attention, affection and appreciation, watch it grow, see it blossom into its highest expression.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


From Neville Goddard’s lecture “The Nature of God” :

“To think of the Bible's events as historical, and the characters recorded there as persons such as you and I, is
to see truth tempered to the weakness of the human form, unable to stand the strong light of revelation. But
I tell you: it is in us, as persons, that the nature of God is revealed.

One day, whether you be male or female, you will reach the state of Paul, and your journey in the world of death will come to its end.

Paul is a state you enter when, having been introduced to Christianity or Judaism, the secret behind the
words is revealed. In the state of Paul, you discover you are the Lord Jesus Christ who is God the Father.

Paul says: "When it pleased God to reveal his son in me, I conferred not with flesh and blood."
When the vision is yours, to whom could you turn to ask what they thought of it? They would tell you that you were insane, so you would turn to no man; rather you would abide in the vision and dwell upon it.

The fundamental story of scripture is a metamorphosis - a complete change of form. Like the grub worm is
transformed into the butterfly, so man - as we understand him - is turned into Jesus Christ. And when it
happens in you, there is no one to whom you can turn. It is a fact you cannot deny. Christ will unfold in every child born of woman. He must, for God cannot and will not fail to fulfill his promise in all.

The word "Saul" means "to inquire; to ask." Entering the state of Saul, you are questioning life - its purpose
and plan. Is there a God? Why am I here? Saul's is a questing mind, one which is seeking an answer to the
phenomena of life. This eternal truth is housed in every being who walks the earth. One day you will find Christ as your very being. You who say "I am" before you state your name, will experience all of the eternal, spiritual states spoken of and named in scripture, to arrive at the final state called Paul.

Enter any state and you become that state. While in the state of wealth, everything you touch turns
to gold. In the state of success, you could turn a failing business into a successful one, for in the state of
success you cannot fail.

You are not a success or a failure, but the occupant of a state. Although you remain untouched by any state,
when you enter one, you express it. Put yourself into the state of health, and you must express health. Enter
the state of fame, and no power can stop you from expressing it.

If all things are possible to your imagination, then all things are possible to imagine! How would you act if
God imagined you as you want to be? How would you feel? What would you do? Then do it. Feeling its
reality, have faith in your imaginal act. Desire is your hope. Your imaginal act is your subjective
appropriation of the hope you want to objectify. Now, faith is the link between God's power and your
desire. He doesn't question your desire. He who is all creative power and know-how, simply gives it to you.

That is Christ, he who is defined as the power of God and the wisdom of God.

One day you will enter the state known as Paul; but right now you are Saul, seeking the cause of life, not
knowing it is your very self.

Tonight, set your hope fully upon this grace that is coming to you; for Christ in you is your hope of glory!
Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Test yourself and see, for all things are possible to him.
Think of something you would like that reason says you cannot have. Now, assume it's yours.
Your assumption, though false in the sense that it is denied by your reasonable mind, if persisted in will
harden into fact. You do not need to know the means that will be employed to bring your assumption to
pass; all you are required to do is persist in your assumption and allow your own wonderful human
imagination to give it to you.

All things are possible to your imagination. It's up to you to provide the necessary link between your
assumption and its fulfillment. That link is faith. Having assumed your desire is fulfilled, your faith in that
assumption will cause it to harden into fact. That is the law.”

Friday, April 9, 2010

Law of reversability

"The acceptance of the end wills the means. And the wisest reflections could not devise more effective means than those which are willed by the acceptance of the end"
Neville Goddard

"In order to change external conditions you must change the cause"
Joseph Murphy

"so it is with the Power within-once you touch the nature, at that moment you receive "whatsoever" you can ask for and it is no miracle or demostration but a natural movement of the unseen in the place of manifestation"
Walter Lanyon

"most people give attention to whatever is in their view and then accept the inevitability of their emotional response to those thoughts...conversely when you think thoughts which you feel passionate or happy or loving or eager you are creating a partnership or relationship with power, clarity and Well-Being"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Choose Again

Law of Attraction (That which is like unto itself is drawn) is a wonderful thing, because it is responding to the vibration that is within you. And sometimes we know that you feel like you wish you could start over. You wish you could be rid of opinions and attitudes, and points of frustration. You wish that you didn't have to have had that experience that now is affecting the way you feel.

And we're wanting you to take delight in every experience that you have lived, because out of it has been born the new preference. And as you begin, more and more, to turn your attention to the new preference, then the things that you are specifically choosing will dominate the patterns that are unfolding in your experience, and you will proudly proclaim yourself the deliberate creator of your experience.

Ah, it is so much simpler to control your vibration than it is to control the world. And since you, now in your time/space reality, have visual, sensual interaction worldwide, and since you have a news mechanism in place, believing that it is to your advantage that they point out everything going wrong, there has never been a better time in all of the history of physical Beings, focused in this time/space reality, to make a decision that: "Nothing is more important than that I feel good, therefore nothing is more important than that I learn creative control of my own vibration."

Because you live in a Universe that is joy-based, in a Universe that, at the basis of it, is utter Well-Being.


The Holographic Universe, a subject worth exploring to understand Law of Attraction, ‘In all thy getting, get wisdom and understanding“.

The Sphere Within

"share in God's inheritance, share in the part of being God, for he is your inheritance, and God is all. You can recreate anything when you know you are the creative power and the creative wisdom of God. This is the gift God is preparing us all to receive"
Neville Goddard

Faith lives in Me, I am the sphere within, the awareness of being, The Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I am that I am - The Story-

'Whatsoever You See ME to Be, That is What You Are'

This morning, one of the Angels told at the table, that when she reached her room in New York one evening, she was rather tired, and sat down to relax for a short time. Almost immediately she had a vision that she was FATHER, and this went on for some time until she awoke from it and found herself separate. FATHER replied as follows: 'When you still your conscious mentality and live unto GOD you will be what you say I AM. Your vision and your conscious concentration will bring into actuality, or into materialization, your conviction and conscious realization of being who you say I AM. When you still your conscious mentality after having made a complete surrender, concentration, consecration and a complete sacrifice, then you will be still consciously, in your preconceived expression. Your mortal consciousness will have been stilled and you will be no more who you think you are, but you will be Whom you think I AM. Now I don't want anyone to misunderstand that and think that I AM Who you say I AM, but you will be who you say I AM. So that does not prove that I AM Who you say I AM, but it proves that you believe that I AM Who you say I AM, and you believe it so vividly, you gaze upon it so vividly, that it tends to reproduce itself in your lives.'
'Now whether I AM what you say I AM or not, that is beside the question. You remember the story of the lion-faced boy that was born with a face just like a lion because his mother was supposed to have seen a real lion before he was born, but that does not say that she did actually see a real lion. The materialists refuse to believe that CHRIST was different from any other man, and they do not believe in His saving power over any other. But you have visualized so vividly and so firmly the CHRIST here, that to you it is true, while to others it is not true. And even the world at large, they believe that you all think it is true and they believe that many are being healed, but as they say, they could not be healed because they do not believe.'
'So you see that is the idea; it is according to one's faith and one's consecration, according to one's sacrifice that he makes, and his stressful believing. You must believe stressfully enough to arouse your internal nature to a high pitch to make the mental and spiritual conception in your nature to produce the actuality of this on the material plane. That is why gestures and suggestions may be stressfully implanted in the soil of your soul and upon your mind that your mind might conceive them, for unless some stress is made in words, deeds and actions it would not take on the average soul or mind. But to make these gestures and suggestions and stressful affirmations and declarations, etc., it will pierce the hardest and most rebellious mind, and it will penetrate into it when these are stressfully employed, or imputed unto you. So that is the thought. Then if you only slightly believe, it will contact the slightest belief and will, no doubt, penetrate that belief and will cause that belief to be impregnated with your belief, and that belief, through that conception will take form. It is Wonderful! So it is a great thing to believe in things that are good, for whether they are true or not, it tends to be true to those that believe stressfully and enthusiastically enough.'
'So as I say, whether you are ME or not, whether I AM Who you say I AM or not, it makes no difference, but if you believe stressfully and enthusiastically, your belief, contacting your inmost nature, will conceive the idea that I AM what I AM and that I AM there, producing and reproducing MYSELF, creating and recreating MYSELF there according to your faith, relaxation; consecration and sacrifice. So you plainly see it is good for one to have a sample and an example to go by. The sample and the example is not always that which will be. The grain of corn that is planted is not the corn that will be, but it is a seed idea. That is why it is called seed corn. Mankind places the idea of the future corn in that grain of corn and in all which he plants, and so be calls it a seed. He has the idea that it is the kind of corn that he desires to bring forth, and because that idea is there, it is a seed idea expressed in the likeness of that which he desires and that seed idea is planted, and when you plant it, you are believing that it will produce fruit after its own kind according to the idea you have of its kind; and so it is with you in spirit and mind. So again I say, whether I AM anything or nothing, whatsoever you see ME to be, that is what you are. When you shall have relaxed your conscious mentality, when you have stilled your conscious mind, then you will be that which you have gazed upon and attracted to yourselves. It is Wonderful !'

Brandi Carlile The Story , favorite performance of this great song