Thursday, April 1, 2010

I am that I am - The Story-

'Whatsoever You See ME to Be, That is What You Are'

This morning, one of the Angels told at the table, that when she reached her room in New York one evening, she was rather tired, and sat down to relax for a short time. Almost immediately she had a vision that she was FATHER, and this went on for some time until she awoke from it and found herself separate. FATHER replied as follows: 'When you still your conscious mentality and live unto GOD you will be what you say I AM. Your vision and your conscious concentration will bring into actuality, or into materialization, your conviction and conscious realization of being who you say I AM. When you still your conscious mentality after having made a complete surrender, concentration, consecration and a complete sacrifice, then you will be still consciously, in your preconceived expression. Your mortal consciousness will have been stilled and you will be no more who you think you are, but you will be Whom you think I AM. Now I don't want anyone to misunderstand that and think that I AM Who you say I AM, but you will be who you say I AM. So that does not prove that I AM Who you say I AM, but it proves that you believe that I AM Who you say I AM, and you believe it so vividly, you gaze upon it so vividly, that it tends to reproduce itself in your lives.'
'Now whether I AM what you say I AM or not, that is beside the question. You remember the story of the lion-faced boy that was born with a face just like a lion because his mother was supposed to have seen a real lion before he was born, but that does not say that she did actually see a real lion. The materialists refuse to believe that CHRIST was different from any other man, and they do not believe in His saving power over any other. But you have visualized so vividly and so firmly the CHRIST here, that to you it is true, while to others it is not true. And even the world at large, they believe that you all think it is true and they believe that many are being healed, but as they say, they could not be healed because they do not believe.'
'So you see that is the idea; it is according to one's faith and one's consecration, according to one's sacrifice that he makes, and his stressful believing. You must believe stressfully enough to arouse your internal nature to a high pitch to make the mental and spiritual conception in your nature to produce the actuality of this on the material plane. That is why gestures and suggestions may be stressfully implanted in the soil of your soul and upon your mind that your mind might conceive them, for unless some stress is made in words, deeds and actions it would not take on the average soul or mind. But to make these gestures and suggestions and stressful affirmations and declarations, etc., it will pierce the hardest and most rebellious mind, and it will penetrate into it when these are stressfully employed, or imputed unto you. So that is the thought. Then if you only slightly believe, it will contact the slightest belief and will, no doubt, penetrate that belief and will cause that belief to be impregnated with your belief, and that belief, through that conception will take form. It is Wonderful! So it is a great thing to believe in things that are good, for whether they are true or not, it tends to be true to those that believe stressfully and enthusiastically enough.'
'So as I say, whether you are ME or not, whether I AM Who you say I AM or not, it makes no difference, but if you believe stressfully and enthusiastically, your belief, contacting your inmost nature, will conceive the idea that I AM what I AM and that I AM there, producing and reproducing MYSELF, creating and recreating MYSELF there according to your faith, relaxation; consecration and sacrifice. So you plainly see it is good for one to have a sample and an example to go by. The sample and the example is not always that which will be. The grain of corn that is planted is not the corn that will be, but it is a seed idea. That is why it is called seed corn. Mankind places the idea of the future corn in that grain of corn and in all which he plants, and so be calls it a seed. He has the idea that it is the kind of corn that he desires to bring forth, and because that idea is there, it is a seed idea expressed in the likeness of that which he desires and that seed idea is planted, and when you plant it, you are believing that it will produce fruit after its own kind according to the idea you have of its kind; and so it is with you in spirit and mind. So again I say, whether I AM anything or nothing, whatsoever you see ME to be, that is what you are. When you shall have relaxed your conscious mentality, when you have stilled your conscious mind, then you will be that which you have gazed upon and attracted to yourselves. It is Wonderful !'

Brandi Carlile The Story , favorite performance of this great song

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