That was my line on the Sound of Music 4th grade play, the song and the movie are just a few of my favorite things. The memory of me as a chubby 10 year old wearing a maxi dress made specially for this performance came back to me as I listened to this lecture by Freedom Barry called “Experience”, it startled me as I listened to him give a name to Causation :Me. It startled me because the psyche, the personification of the Being as me, has not caught up to the intellectual acceptance of Causation as Me. There is great value in self inquiry or vichara as an effective technique for metanoia, it is the great tool that Tolle describes in the power of now, but the experience of Self’s true nature is not enough, hopefully I will be proven wrong, there has to be a movement of Self, an ascending is not enough, to appropiate is the act of mercy that Blake talks about when he says “eternity exists and all things in eternity, independent of creation which was an act of mercy”.
Me, Cause, the kingdom of heaven that is at hand, closer to me that my hands and feet, even closer than breath, and that Being that is Cause is a four fold being which must appropiate the ideal in all four level: spirit, mind, emotions and flesh, but to succeed as a friend of mine used to tell me “start from the top”. Recognizing the Being is first, going back to Cause is first, loving Cause with all my mind, with all soul with all my heart, that is the command, the recognition by all levels of Being of who is Causation.
Me, a name I call My Self.
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