Saturday, March 27, 2010

Advise from Don Miguel Ruiz for the Dream Master

“By being a dream master, we change as fast as the dream changes. And we adapt to the dream, instead of resisting the dream, and guide the dream in whatever direction we want to.
Rule number one: Don't believe me. I don't want you to believe me but I want you to listen and make choices-- your choices. If what I say doesn't work for you, leave it. but if it works for you and that is what you want, then make it yours.
Rule number two: Don't believe yourself. Why? Because most of your belief system is a lie-- it is not true. And by believing yourself, you create all the imitations that don't allow you to be what you really are. Don't believe yourself. Listen to what you say, listen to what you think, listen to what you believe. And when you listen, open your ears, open your mind, open your intelligence and make choices.
Rule number three: Don't believe anybody else. Don't believe them at all. Open your ears and your mind, listen and make choices.
If you follow these three simple rules, you can go anywhere in the world and still protect your new dream of love and heaven in your mind. You have to be aware of what it is that you believe. You have to listen to that voice and make choices.

And that is what my "Four Agreements" are about. They are the way to re-create the dream. And the result is what we call the mastery of love, which is a way to live your life and a way of being, in your own way and with your integrity, just the way you are. It is a dream that is completely love.
But you need to do your work to change your beliefs and your ways. You need to become a dream artist. It is the supreme art that all human beings have.
The Four Agreements: Number one is to be impeccable with your word, which means that you never are going to use the word against yourself. You never go against yourself. The second agreement is: Don't take anything personally. If you don't take anything personally, you will not be offended wherever you go. Because the truth is that whatever people do or don't do, it is not because of you.
Number three is don't make assumptions because the way we learn to dream the dream is based on assumptions. That is how we create all those big dramas. By not creating assumptions, we avoid all those lies-- we recover part of our integrity. And the most important agreement is: Always do your best. For sure, you always can do your best. And your best changes all the time-- when you are sick or tired, your best is different than when you are awake and fresh. But by always doing your best, your are always going to be content with yourself.
If you make the choice to do your best and believe it, that is your best. You have the power to make the choice. And magic begins to happen in your life. This is the mastery of life. This is the goal of the Toltec. This is the path to personal freedom."
To read the complete article please visit

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