I have read Neville Goddard's Prayer the Art of Believing many times, back in 1995 it helped with my understanding of what true prayer really is, an affirmation, a statement of what is already so, not a request to change the mind of the One I am praying to but a process to transform the mind of the One that prays.
The feeling of doubt that lingers in our minds everytime a desire arises starts as children, we expect our parents to fill our every need and of course they cannot live up to those high standards, no human can, and we start realizing that perhaps fulfillment of desire is a "hit and miss" kind of thing, those of us raised in religious households, like myself, are taught to pray to God for certain things that are impossible for our parents to give or fix, only to obtain the same results as with our needs that we think our parents should meet, sometimes it's "yes", most times is "no". In this process of asking and most time not receiving the idea of powerlessness begins to take hold of our self image. The only explanation to this fickle behavior by a god that sometimes is not in the mood to please us (otherwise known as god's will) is that there is no explanation (otherwise known as god's mysterious' ways).
There are many concepts we pick up in life, we are constantly bombarded with all kind of manipulated and tainted opinions, the attack comes for everywhere, well intended sometimes, but they do not have to be accepted, and this simple statement is the basis for a life of prayer. A life of constant and present mind renewal, alert and committed to the life we want to live, loyal to the ideal "Me". Prayer is bringing this ideal of who we desire to be closer and closer to the present moment until we no longer feel like an impostor but as the authentic blessed being for whom All things are possible. By using Neville's techniques of immobilizing the body in a state akin to sleep, I find the Silva Mind Control Long Relax exercise a good tool, we quiet the mind and reach a higher level of awareness (Silva refers to it as Alpha level) that allows for the conscious supplanting of ideas onto the subconscious. Ideas that are more in alignment with our desire. To supplant is to take the place of (another), as through force, scheming, strategy, by mastering the art of prayer we may supplant by assumption. "The earth was formless and empty and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" (Genesis The Beginning), by reaching the Alpha level using Silva's method we reach that state of awareness that is formless and empty, the noise and chatter of our internal dialogue is "paused", the Spirit of God (Our awareness) alone lingers over infinite psychological states (the bible refers to this states as "water") and then we assume the feeling that would be ours if we knew that our desired is now realized. This simple method given to us by Neville if practiced regularly does not fail. If we ASSUME that our prayer has been answered (Thank You Father for you have heard me and I know that You hear me ALL WAYS).
Assume : To take for granted or without proof, definition given by dictionary.com, this is a pretty tall order for the one that by habit and default thinking have identify and surrender to the world seen with the mortal eye, that faith, which is defined by Neville as "loyalty to the unseen reality" and that an absolute requirement to master the art of prayer, only comes with understanding. That is the first step of creation, "Let There be Light" let there be wisdom and understanding of who and what we really are. How much power and control we think we have over our life? Are we a little worm, begotten by dust and condemned to return to the earth? Or are we more than that? Is it possible that there is an unconditional Source of Love that became us and sustain us? Is it possible that there is a rhyme and reason to our existence after all? Maybe we are more powerful than we think we are, that just by the fact that "success against all odds" is a sentence that have been used by many to describe actual events that had been catalogued in the realm of the impossible, then I conclude that yes, there is more to us that meets the eye, the mortal eye that is.
Prayer The Art Of Believing
Actually I read it yesterday but I had some thoughts about it and today I wanted to read it again because it is very well written. Why Study Neville Goddard